Protecting People's Rights & Freedom

Maine OUI-DUI Defense

OUI Trial Lawyer.

Helping People Charged with OUI in the Maine Courts.

Hunter defends people charged with operating under the influence (OUI DUI DWI) before the Maine courts and the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV). He understands being charged with an OUI is difficult time in a person’s life. Hunter helps clients navigate the court system to obtain the best possible outcome.

Hunter is rated by SuperLawyers as one of the best OUI defense lawyers in Maine. His practice specializes in representing people accused OUI DUI DWI in the greater Bangor area and courts of eastern and northern Maine. He has successful defended hundreds of clients charged with criminal OUI obtaining dismissals and not guilty verdicts.

Hunter represents all drivers charged with OUI, including driver’s under the age 21 years old, Class C license holders, and Class A (commercial drivers CDL) license holders.

Being accused of an OUI charge does not mean you are guilty.

Many OUI charges can be successfully defended avoiding potential jail time, fines, and license suspension. The stop, field sobriety tests, arrest, and breath test results can be challenged and are not always constitutional or reliable. Hunter’s OUI defense knowledge and experience offers clients sound legal guidance through the court and BMV process.

Hunter was always available to talk about our case. He listened, he cared and was exceptionally prepared. Hunter understands the human element of the case and he’s an expert at how that weaves into the nuances of the law. Hunter is truly a gem. He’s polite and professional to all parties and a rabid defender for his clients. I’m happy for Hunter personally and professionally as he deserves all the rewards and accolades he gets. I’m also very grateful for his services. Hunter is ‘my lawyer’.
— Former Client in OUI Case

Potential Consequences of an OUI Charge in Maine.

The consequences of an OUI can include jail time and court fines, and loss of license.

Effectively navigating an OUI charge and its consequences begins with planning and preparation. Hunter will learn the details of your case and the impact of an OUI charge on your life. He will provide sound legal advice on how to best handle your case.

OUI law is one of the most complex areas of criminal law in Maine. In addition to handling misdemeanor OUI charges, Hunter handles felony OUI cases, aggravated OUI, vehicular manslaughter, and all other operating under the influences charges in the State of Maine.