Protecting People's Rights & Freedom.

Maine Work Restricted License.

Work Licenses on OUI Suspensions.

Does Maine offer work-restricted licenses for an operating under the influence (OUI) suspension in Maine?

For a first offense administrative OUI suspension, a driver is eligible for a work-restricted license. This only applies to a suspension imposed by the BMV. It does not apply to a suspension imposed by the Court. A driver must petition the BMV for a work-restricted license. Maine law provides:

On receipt of a petition for a work-restricted license from a person under suspension pursuant to section 2453, section 2453‑A or section 2472, subsection 3, paragraph B or C for a first offense, the Secretary of State may stay a suspension during the statutory suspension period and issue a work-restricted license, if the petitioner shows by clear and convincing evidence that:

A. As determined by the Secretary of State, a license is necessary to operate a motor vehicle:

(1) Between the residence and a place of employment or in the scope of employment, or both; or

(2) Between the residence and an educational facility attended by the petitioner if the suspension is under section 2472, subsection 3, paragraph B or C for a first offense;

B. No alternative means of transportation is available; and

C. The petitioner has not, within 10 years, been under suspension for an OUI offense or pursuant to section 2453 or 2453‑A.

29-A MRS § 2503

For a Court imposed suspension a work-restricted license is not immediately available. On a first offense OUI conviction, a driver must complete DEEP and pay a $50.00 reinstatement fee. Once these requirements are satisfied a driver is eligible for a work-restricted license after 100 days of the 150 day suspension.

No work-restricted license is available for second offense OUI suspensions.