Protecting People's Rights & Freedom.

Machias & Calais OUI Defense Lawyer

OUI Defense Washington County.

OUI Defense Lawyer for Machias and Calais Courts.

Hunter J. Tzovarras represents Maine people charged with OUI DUI in the Washington County Courts in Machias and Calais, Maine.. Hunter is an experienced OUI DUI defense attorney handling all types of operating under the influence (OUI DUI DWI) charges, including alcohol, drug, and marijuana OUIs, chemical test refusals, ATV & boat OUI charges, CDL drivers, aggravated OUI, and OUI charges resulting in death or vehicular manslaughter. Hunter represents people charged with OUI in Machias, Calais, Eastport, Jonesport, Baileyville and throughout Washington County.

Contact Us | 207-941-8443

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