Protecting People's Rights & Freedom.

Orono OUI-DUI Defense Lawyer.

OUI Defense Lawyer

Hunter represents Orono residents, visitors and students, charged with OUI DUI DWI in Orono or at the University of Maine.

Contact Hunter for Help.

(207) 941-8443

OUI charges that occur in Orono, or at the University of Maine, are heard in the Penobscot County Unified Criminal Court in Bangor.

Hunter is an experienced OUI defense attorney handling all types of operating under the influence cases (OUI DUI DWI), including alcohol, drug, and marijuana OUIs, chemical test refusals, ATV & boat OUI charges, CDL drivers, aggravated OUI, and OUI charges resulting in death or vehicular manslaughter.

If you are a University of Maine student and have an out-of-state driver’s license, a Maine OUI conviction can result in your license being suspended in your home State.

Many OUI cases can be handled without the client ever having to appear in Court.