Protecting People's Rights & Freedom.

OUI DUI Charges in Acadia National Park.

OUI Charges on Federal Lands.


Operating under the influence charges that occurs on federal land are heard in the United States Federal District Court in Maine.

Federal land includes national parks, (such as Acadia National Park), national monuments (Katahdin Woods and Waters), military bases, federal courthouse parking lots and driveways, airfields and airports, parking lots on federal land, post offices, and government compounds.

Federal law requires people driving on federal land to submit to a urine, breath, or blood tests to determine alcohol concentration if they are arrested for OUI. Individuals who refuse to provide a chemical test may be denied privileges to drive on federal land for up to one year.

OUI charges on federal land are charged under the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). According to the CFR, a person may be charged with a federal OUI if:

They are under the influence of alcohol or drugs or any combination that makes them incapable of safely operating a motor vehicle; or

If their blood alcohol content (BAC) when they are subjected to a breathalyzer is 0.08 grams or more of alcohol for every 100 ml of blood or 0.08 grams or more of alcohol for every 210 liters of breath; or

A federal OUI is usually a Class B misdemeanor with a maximum punishment, if convicted, of up to six months in jail, supervised probation for up to five years, or a fine not up to $5000.